1 EWA AdminTool Guide
2 Table of Contents
3 Overview
3.1 Purpose of this document
3.2 Introduction
4 Startup of EWA Administration Tool
5 Starting, Stopping and Monitoring of EWA core services
6 EPC / WIS Database Maintenance
6.1 Starting and stopping the installed Databases
6.2 Install new Databases
6.3 Enter StartKeys for EPC/WIS
6.4 EPC Installation
6.5 WIS Installation
6.6 Update existing Databases
6.7 Delete a Database
6.8 Switching databases
7 Advanced Command line options
7.1 Database control
7.2 Update (Database and Software)
7.3 Cleanup database
8 Update Process Description
9 Extended mode
9.1 Software-Update
9.2 Data-Update
9.3 Core-Backup
10 Logging & Troubleshooting

1 EWA AdminTool Guide

Valid from EWA version

Created for Daimler AG

2 Table of Contents

1 EWA AdminTool Guide

2 Table of Contents

3 Overview

3.1 Purpose of this document

3.2 Introduction

4 Startup of EWA Administration Tool

5 Starting, Stopping and Monitoring of EWA core services

6 EPC / WIS Database Maintenance

6.1 Starting and stopping the installed Databases

6.2 Install new Databases

6.3 Enter StartKeys for EPC/WIS

6.4 EPC Installation

6.5 WIS Installation

6.6 Update existing Databases

6.7 Delete a Database

6.8 Switching databases

7 Advanced Command line options

7.1 Database control

7.2 Update (Database and Software)

7.3 Cleanup database

8 Update Process Description

9 Extended mode

9.1 Software-Update

9.2 Data-Update

9.3 Core-Backup

10 Logging & Troubleshooting

3 Overview

3.1 Purpose of this document

This document describes the EWA AdminTool Interface of EWA which is used to update, manage and maintain the WIS and EPC Databases as well as managing the state of the server.

3.2 Introduction

Besides the software installation, the applications need to have access to certain databases for content data. This content is not installed within the setup of the software but needs to be updated after installation. The aim of this behavior is to decouple software and data update and minimize the downtime of the applications.

This document describes the use and function of the EWA AdminTool. The following use cases are documented in this description:

4 Startup of EWA Administration Tool

The EWA Administration tool can be started using the favorites menu inside the Internet Explorer. This entry is created during installation and is only available on the server.

Picture 1: Start of EWA Administration tool using the favorites menu

The EWA Administration tool can be only started on the EWA server. If the link to this tool is not available, it can be started manually using the command


where EWA_HOME need to be replaced with the directory where EWA was installed.

5 Starting, Stopping and Monitoring of EWA core services

With the EWA Administration Tool it is possible to influence the availability of the server and see if it is running. The Administration tool acts as a service monitor and shows if the needed Windows services are running or not.

Picture 2: Service Monitor Page for the Server

Within this panel the EWA server (application server) can be started and stopped. This is more or less a shortcut for the Windows "Services" view.

Also within this panel the user management database (i.e. for specific user data, FIN Cache,…) can be started and stopped.

Database "start" and "stop" is not simply starting and stopping services. A "stop" always also stops the corresponding TransBase multiplexer service. And "start" always starts both the database engine and the TransBase multiplexer service.

If the services are stopped the application server will not be available for all users. Please take this into account when starting or stopping services.

6 EPC / WIS Database Maintenance

6.1 Starting and stopping the installed Databases

It is possible to see the current state of the running database on the EPC / WIS net Screen in the Administration Tool. If no database is installed, the traffic light will be off. If the database itself is working and the database service shows a good status, it will show a green traffic light. Else the traffic light will show a red status.

Use the "Start" and "Stop" Buttons to shutdown / start the database and the Transbase service.

Database "start" and "stop" is not simply starting and stopping services. A "stop" always also stops the corresponding TransBase multiplexer service. And "start" always starts both the database engine and the TransBase multiplexer service.

Picture 3: EPC Administration of Database

6.2 Install new Databases

EPC / WIS database installation requires a valid StartKey. The section Enter StartKeys for EPC/WIS shows how to enter a StartKey.

To install a new database into the running application, use the "Install" button. This will start the process of copying the needed database files from DVD to hard disk and attach the databases to the running service. Once a database is installed, the button will be labeled as "Update" to indicate that this action will update the running database.

6.3 Enter StartKeys for EPC/WIS

It is also possible to enter a valid StartKey using the administrative interface of the EWA web interface. To open the EWA web interface use the shortcut "EWA net" from your Favorites "EWA net" folder or directly open the URL http://localhost:9000/EWA-net. An explanation for entering StartKeys is provided in the HP User Management Administration Guide.

On the tab "StartKey" it is possible to enter a StartKey for EPC and WIS.

6.4 EPC Installation

    Initial installation using "archive" and "base" media

EPC requires base and archive DVDs. The archive DVD contains a set of older valid data cards. This archive media is normally published once every year and all subsequent monthly base publications are based on it. The base DVD contains newer data and relies on the data from the archive DVD.  

The installation process is quite simple: The user starts the AdminTool, navigates to the EPC tab and clicks on the button "Install EPC database". The user will be prompted to insert the first update DVD of the base DVD set. Subsequently it is required to insert all archive media DVDs. After performing these DVD checks, the DVDs needs to be insert consecutively, beginning with the first update DVD of the base DVD set again in order to start copying of all files and attaching them to a new database. Afterwards the installation process finishes.

Initially inserting an archive medium instead of a base medium will lead to an error message.

After clicking the button "Install EPC database", an EPC data DVD needs to be insert. For EPC the AdminTool will try to read the "FDARequest.cfg" file which is normally in the folder "MBXX\cfg" of any data DVD.

Picture 4: AdminTool requests the data DVD configuration file

If the DVD is inserted just press "OK" - the Tool will search all available drives in PC for the configuration file. If you already had a valid data DVD of EPC in one of your DVD drives, the tool will have skipped this dialog and started installation immediately.

If the files should be installed using a network share, use the "Browse…" button and navigate to the corresponding folder on the network share and select the "FDARequest.cfg"/"WISCD000" file in the folder "MBXX\cfg"/"wis" relative from the DVD root.

The Tool will also search all hard drives and mounted Shares for data DVDs.

After the configuration file has been read successfully and the database files could be found, the tool will request to select a target drive for the database content. Select a drive where all database files should be copied to and click "OK".

Picture 5: Selection of the target drive for database content

The next step in the copy process is to start to copy the ROM files to hard disk. If the source DVD can not be located in any drive of the PC, the Tool will ask for a source for copying the files.

Picture 6: Selection of ROM file source

In this dialog, please select the DVD root directory when the tool requests a file. The path inside the media is searched automatically. If a network share is used as file source, please point to the folder which corresponds to the original DVD root.

The copy process will be visualized with a progress. Please wait until all data has been copied or the Tool asks you for further media.

Picture 7: Copy Progress Dialog

After all database ROM files have been copied, the tool will proceed with the following steps:

Picture 8: Database test Dialog

After these steps have been completed successfully, it will show a notification that all needed databases have been copied and activated successfully. The traffic light for the EPC / WIS database status will turn to green now.

Picture 9: Successful installation of a database

6.5 WIS Installation

    Initial installation using full version

WIS full version requires 2 DVDs. DVD 1 contains the software, the monthly published ROM files and the lucene index files. DVD 2 contains the remaining ROM files. The WIS full version media is usually published every quarter year. Based on the latest full version DVDs monthly update DVD publications are published. The update DVD has the same structure as DVD 1 of the full version.  

The WIS installation process is similar to the EPC installation process. Lucene index files will be copied after all database ROM files have been copied. wis_cfg.xml will be customized to use the lucene index.

6.6 Update existing Databases

The update of database content will almost use the same installation process like the initial installation of the database.

The difference in the update step is that you are requested to insert the DVD which contains the setup into any DVD drive. During update the normal setup will be called to update software resources. Please select the appropriate folder where the setup.exe is available if the files could not be found automatically.

When updating the server, you should ensure that no user is using the applications. Users can continue working while database ROM files are being copied to the hard disk. But after finish of this process the server will be shutdown so users might lose important data.

6.7 Delete a Database

Database can easily be deleted from the system by clicking on the "Delete" button. This button will delete the currently active database.

Be sure that you notify all users to save important data and to log off from the system as they might loose data when the database will be deleted.

6.8 Switching databases

When a database set was updated, the older version will be kept as backup database. With the activate database button it is possible to switch the backup and the active database. The former active database will be kept as backup.

Be sure that you notify all users to save important data and to log off from the system as they might loose data when switching the database.

7 Advanced Command line options

This chapter is mainly intended for System Integrators who want to make use of the batch mode of the AdminTool to allow further customizing of the installation update process, one may want to make use of the command line features of the EWA AdminTool.

EWA AdminTool has been developed for the "local" environment where all software components will be installed on one single server. In a distributed environment like the "central" not all of the features described here will work.

To get an overview of the available options, just issue the following command on a command line:

"C:\Program Files\EWA net\ewa_admin\EWAAdmin" /?

Picture 18: Help to get Usage Hints for EWA Administration Tool

This overview will not capture all options. Further options will be available here in the documentation

7.1 Database control

AdminTool allows starting and shutting down the Transbase databases individually without the need of knowledge about the special characteristics behind it. There are currently 3 databases that can be controlled:

The command line is quite easy. You specify which database you want to operate on and which operation you would like to perform: shutdown or boot. The command line for this is:

EWAAdmin.exe [/core | /wis | /epc] [/boot | /shutdown]





Operate on the EWA user management database


Operate on the WIS database


Operate on the EPC database


Boot the specified database


Shutdown the database. This will also invalidate any open connection without reconfirmation.

Example call:

EWAAdmin /wis /shutdown

will shutdown the WIS database.

When shutting down databases in most cases it may also make sense to shutdown the application server, too. After doing your maintenance be sure to boot the application server again.
There is no command line in EWAAdmin.exe as this can easily be achieved by issuing the command lines
net stop "EWA net Server"
to stop the application server or
net start "EWA net Server"
to start the application server again. This command must be issued on the server machine where the EWA application server is running of course.

7.2 Update (Database and Software)

If you want to start an update without the user being forced to start AdminTool and click some buttons you can easily start the update process from the command line. Simply select the application part you would like to operate on (WIS or EPC). AdminTool will then automatically start the update process for the regarding application.

The command line looks like this:

EWAAdmin.exe [/wis | /epc] [/license <Licensebits>] [/force] [/source <Path>] [/target <Drive>] [/nofork] [/noswupdate] [/unattended] [/v]





Update EPC


Update WIS

/license <Licensebits>

Provide the access authorization bits on the command line. For EPC this is quite useful as it restricts the number of ROM files to be copied. When this parameter is specified a dedicated access authorization check is skipped.

Note: You cannot provide a crypted StartKey here


Enforce the copying of ROM files though they might already be installed on the system. This helps replacing corrupt ROM files.

/source <Path>Optional:
Defines the source path from where to find and copy the database files. Te source parameter can be specified multiple times if multiple source directories are required.
Besides the specified source paths the program always searched all available drives for the needed files if the file can not be found in the defined source path.
/target <Drive>

Specify a target drive for the ROM files. You can repeat this option for several drives


Flag to specify whether the free space check on the target drive should be omitted. If specified, the program will not check for sufficient free space on target drive.
In a normal call the program copies itself to %TEMP% and executes there. If the process should be watched, this parameter can be used to prohibit the copy of the application to %TEMP%.

Note: When using this option the integrated software update will fail. In this case please call the software update manually!

Enforces the program to skip consistency checks and does not run software update during database update.

Note: When using this option you have the possibility to skip a software update when installing new database content. Nevertheless is it highly recommended that you always update the software together with the database update. If you decide to de-couple the software and database installation processes this is fine - but do not forget to update the software, too.
The software update will check which software component versions are installed and only updated components will be refreshed. For not updated components at least the language resource, help and what's new files are updated.
In summary: If you do not run the software update, the users will see old help and what's new files.

Suppresses confirmation dialogs and allows batch execution of the program
Enables debug logging for troubleshooting (verbose mode)

When specifying parameters containing special characters like "-" or "/" please quote those parameters.
EWAAdmin.exe /source "C:\EWA-net"
instead of
EWAAdmin.exe /source C:\EWA-net
The latter one will fail as the commandline parser will think there is another parameter hidden on the commandline.

7.3 Cleanup database

You can remove any installed databases from the system by the command line, too.

The command line looks like this:

EWAAdmin.exe [/clean | /cleanwis | /cleanepc]





Removes all (EPC AND WIS) databases


Removes the WIS database(s)


Removes the EPC database(s)

8 Update Process Description

When using the update database options in the Administration tool a process is executed which handles the database update. The following steps are processed during a database update:

  1. Access authorization check
    The current access authorization from the disk is read out and interpreted. If the access authorization is not valid, the update will stop and an error message will be displayed to the user.
    The interpreted access authorization can be overridden using the /license command line parameter
  2. Request for Source Media
    The Administration tool searches for suitable source media. The priority is a source path which was given by command line. If none was specified or nothing was found in this path, the tool looks in all drives for suitable content. If none is found, the user is requested to select a source path or to insert a DVD media.
  3. SW and Data Consistency Check
    The program checks if both WIS and EPC are in use. If both applications are used, then the program checks if a software update will also take place with the data update. If an update is also taking place which is not a "hotfix" update, then the user is requested to insert the media of the other application to show that a consistent update with both medias is possible.
    This step is skipped if the flag /noswupdate is issued.
  4. Check Update Possibilities
    A small program (ewa\setup\checker.exe) is executed on the source media to check if an integrated data and software update is possible with this database release. Depending on the return code of this application, the process can continue or not.
    If the result of this application shows that the integrated update is not possible and e.g. with this data update also the Administration tool program needs to be updated, the user will be requested to have a longer downtime and run the software setup before updating the databases. Software setup is then called by the tool and after successful update it will be re-launched.
    This step is skipped if the flag /noswupdate is issued. In this case you need to ensure that the database can be installed with the current software version!
  5. Read Database Definition
    The database meta information is read by the tool using the descriptor files from the source media.
  6. Read Software Version
    The software version information is read from the source media for later purposes.
    This step is skipped if the flag /noswupdate is issued.
  7. Database Structure Version Check
    The program checks if the new database has a structure version which is sufficient for the software which is installed. If the version is too old, the update of the database will fail and the program will complain.
  8. User Update Confirmation
    The user will be asked to confirm the update to the new database version if this is not the initial database which is installed.
    This confirmation is skipped when running in /unattended mode
  9. Update Lock Collision Check
    It is checked if the current active database is the same like the one which will be installed. In this case the user needs to acknowledge the shutdown of the server additionally since the web server needs to be shut down before copying the files to have the database files not locked.
  10. File Copy
    All needed database and index files are copied from the source media to the target drive. The user will be asked for the target drive to copy to.
    The target selection can be skipped using the /target parameter
  11. Test Database Files
    The database ROM files which have been copied are tested if copied successful.
  12. Integrated Software Update
    If the media contains a newer software release as currently on the disk, integrated software update will be executed.
    This step will be omitted when using the /noswupdate flag. You need to manual run the software update using the command line [Source]\ewa\setup\setup.exe /u.
  13. Write Database Information to Registry
    Meta information of the new database is written to system registry.
  14. Web Server Shutdown
  15. Database Service Shutdown
  16. Old Database Detach
    The old databases are going to be detached from the Transbase database
  17. Update Registry of Current Database
  18. Launch Pre Installation Hook
    If a pre installation hook is specified, this will be launched.
  19. Attach new Database to Transbase
  20. Launch Post Installation Hook
    If a post installation hook is specified, this will be launched.
  21. Remove Old or Incompatible Versions
    Database backup releases which are too old or are not compatible with the new software are removed from the user's system for both the database being updated as well as for the database of the other application. Thus inconsistent software-database constellations are prevented for both applications after an integrated software update. Only one backup version is kept.
  22. Re-Init Internal Objects
  23. Start Database Service
  24. Start Web Server
  25. Clean disk and remove unused files from hard drive
  26. Run actions for Daily Updates (if installation references a WIS net database, access authorization allows this and Daily Update is configured correct)
  27. Show Success Message to User

If the update can proceed using a integrated update (when no major software changes are required) the application server will be down between Step 13 and Step 23. This downtime will be usually around 5 minutes. If the update check in step 4 detects that a longer downtime is required, the application will be unavailable from step 4 until step 23.

9 Extended mode

The extended mode can be used to perform EWA software updates, WIS and EPC database updates or to create or restore a user database backup.
To enable the extended navigate to the Preferences menu and choose Extended functionality

Enabling the Extended functionality implies that the Extended tab is visible.

After starting the AdminTool the Extended functionality is disabled by default.

9.1 Software-Update

To perform a software update only use the button Start software update. No database update will be performed. If you want to ignore unstoppable EWA Services check Ignore stopping of EWA Services.

9.2 Data-Update

To perform database updates for EPC or use the button EPC Update or WIS Update. No software update will be performed unless you check Execute integrated Software-Update (if available)
If you want to force to copy any existing rom file again check Recopy romfiles that are already in place?

9.3 Core-Backup

To create a core database backup use the button Create core backup.
To restore the selected core database backup use the button Restore core backup.
If you want to choose a backup that is not shown in the list of available backups use the buttonSelect another core backup.
In order to delete a core backup from the list of available backups use the button Delete backup.

You can restore backups that have been created with one of the following EWA tools:
- AdminTool
- Backup and Migration Tool
- EWA Web interface

10 Logging & Troubleshooting

If the EWA Administration tool is not working, please use the following steps to determine why the application is not working: