Created for Daimler AG
This document describes the changes in the software since the last release. Please check which parts are affecting your environment carefully.
Title | Description |
AdminTool changes | Several issues have been fixed for AdminTool:
Installer | The following changes affect the installation process of EWA:
Standalone Installer | The following changes affect the Standalone installation of EWA:
WIS/ASRA Standalone | The following changes affect WIS/ASRA Standalone on Star Diagnosis and Xentry Connect (called WIS Offline):
Client Tools | The Client Tools have been updated with the following changes:
EWANAPI | EWANAPI has been updated with the following changes:
EWANAPI News Decoder | There is no need to replace the EWANAPI News Decoder (Token acceptor). |
EWA Core | Several issues have been fixed:
EWA 64bit | The EWA 64-Bit version has been updated:
Java 8 | Please be aware that EWA currently does not support Java 8. |
Title | Description |
EWA Server | The OpenSSL DLL in the Apache Tomcat application server was updated with this EWA version. The server installer version was increased to 7.0.44 in order to force a re-installation of the EWA server. The server.xml will be restored after successful completion of an EWA software update. |
EWANAPI News Decoder | EWANAPI News Decoder is the same as before and does not need to be exchanged. |
Database Changes | The core database schema has not been changed. |
Title | Version |
CommonLic | |
AdminTool | |
Client-Download-JRE | Oracle Java SE 7 Update 45 |
AdminTool JRE | 1.7.0_25 |
Private-JRE | Java Runtime Environment 1.7.0_25 together with a cryptographic classloader |
Client-Tools | 2.209 |
Ewacore | |
Tomcat | Apache Tomcat 7.0.42 |
ClientChecker | |
ALM | Title | Description |
ALM Defect ID | Severity | Title | Description |
4303 | Medium | Removal of former script used for EWA server installation | During a former EWA release, the script responsible for the EWA server installation was replaced with a new script. The old script still exists within the EWA installation directory and is not required anymore. It will be removed from there during an EWA software update in order to prevent corrupt installations. |
ALM | Title | Description |
ALM Defect ID | Severity | Title | Description |
ALM | Title | Description |
514 | Manifestdateien für EWA und WIS/ASRA so anpassen, dass die Warnmeldungen beim Start entfallen | The WIS/ASRA resource jar-file (containing the properties) will be copied to a different directory in order to avoid additional splash screen that is displayed starting WIS/ASRA. |
ALM Defect ID | Severity | Title | Description |
4320 | Low | Deinstallation von EWA aus dem Windows heraus schlägt fehl | Unexpected aborts in EWA uninstalling routine were fixed. |
ALM | Title | Description |
496 | Entfernen der Meldung bei erfolgreicher EWA 64-Bit Installation | The user will not be prompted, if the EWA 64-Bit installation finished successfully. This was required for automated unattended installations. |
Aktualisierung der Bilder im Installer | The pictures appearing while installing EWA were updated. |
ALM Defect ID | Severity | Title | Description |
4247 | Medium | Aktualisierung EWA Cleanup Script für Deinstallation | The EWA cleanup script has been extended in order to ensure that EWA will be deleted completely. This includes the removal of EPC or WIS/ASRA databases, too. |
ALM | Title | Description |
461 | Anzeige von What's New bei XentryConnect-Geräten, Anpassung archive.batch | To display the What's New documemts of WIS/ASRA at Xentry Connect the files will be installed using the archive.bat script. |
ALM | Severity | Title | Description |
ALM | Title | Description |
403 | Tomcat Update: Migration bestimmter Dateien im Verzeichnis server\lib | Some libraries that are not delivered by HP and stored by a server administrator in the directory server\lib shall be not deleted by an EWA version update. |
401 | Migration server.xml bei Tomcat Update erforderlich | The server.xml will be migrated almost completely when an integrated tomcat server update is performed. |
399 | Ablage der EWA 64-Bit Version im Verzeichnis central der DVD | The 64-bit version of EWA is now available on the regular EWA media. However, it still needs to be installed manually. |
ALM | Severity | Title | Description |
4206 | Medium | Anpassung archive.batch um WIS Online-Hilfe auf XentryConnect korrekt zu installieren | The installation of WIS online help on XENTRY Connect has been fixed. |
407 | Medium | WIS Online-Hilfe mehrfach auf WIS DVD enthalten | Unnecessary and old copies of online-help-files have been removed from EWA installation media. |
DTS | Title | Description |
- none -
- none -
- none -
ALM | Title | Description |
531 | Log file rolling for monitoring logs | The log4j-configuration was changed in order to provide log file rolling for monitoring logs by default. |
4334 | New parameter for enabling the use of external SSL modules | The use of external SSL modules can be enabled by a newly introduced parameter in core_cfg.xml. |
ALM Defect ID | Severity | Title | Description |
ALM | Title | Description |
ALM Defect ID | Severity | Title | Description |
Medium | Update OpenSSL Implementation | Exchange of the Tomcat to update the including OpenSSL implementation. | |
Medium | Using different path in VersionExtractor for WIS | The VersionExtractor has to use a different path when using WIS or newer. |
ALM | Title | Description |
514 | Manifestdateien für EWA und WIS/ASRA so anpassen, dass die Warnmeldungen beim Start entfallen | During startup of EPC or WIS/ASRA Java Web Start displays a splash screen for confirming the EWA Client Tools installation. The application name that will be displayed on that splash screen was changed to „EWA Client Tools“. |
513 | Java 1.7.45 als Download auf der EWA-Download-Seite hinterlegen | The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 7 Update 45 x86 will be provided via the download page of the EWA web interface. |
ALM Defect ID | Severity | Title | Description |
Medium | Fixed password change routine after first login | User with underscore in login name now can change their password after first login, if another user with a similar login name exists. | |
4313 | Medium | Secure Link Out auf WIS Media funktioniert nicht mit Gruppenuser | Users with special characters (e.g. „-“, „_“, „@“, etc.) can now access the WSM data, too. |
4315 | Medium | secure_linkout_cfg.xml nicht korrekt ausgeliefert | The secure_linkout_cfg.xml was modified to support the opening of WSM data using the new WSM button in WIS/ASRA. |
Medium | Connection to ValidationTimeService timed out | The default value for the certificate token validity time was increased from 30 to 120 minutes. It is only used as fallback, if the call of the web service fails. | |
Medium | Determination of path to secure_linkout_cfg.xml for WIS/ASRA Standalone | The path to secure_linkout_cfg.xml will now be determined dynamically for WIS/ASRA Standalone on Xentry Connect. If this determination fails, a hard coded value is used as fallback. | |
4310 | Medium | EWA Server wird beim Abmelden von Windows 2003 gestoppt | The parameter -Xrs was added to the JvmOptions of the Apache Tomcat application server in order to avoid stopping the server, because of receiving a remote log off event on Windows Server 2003. |
Medium | Removal of „net“ appearance on EWA web interface | Any „net“ appearance on the EWA web interface was removed. | |
4283 | Medium | Systemnachrichten (Messages) gehen beim Update verloren | It is now possible to delete sent messages (system news) that were created with EWA 1.19. Please note, that the system news will not migrated performing a software update from EWA 1.19 to 1.21. From EWA 1.20 to 1.21 this problem does not exist. |
ALM | Title | Description |
402 | Änderung der Berechtigung für die Verwaltung von Herstellernotizen | Manufacturer notes editor permissions can now also be assigned to non-administrator user accounts. This applies only to special installations with manufacturer notes editor authorization. |
477 | Logging von Session Replication | The Tomcat application server were extended in order to create a separate log file for session replication. |
ALM Defect ID | Severity | Title | Description |
Low | Error Message for HTTP return code 503 modified | The error message for HTTP return code 503 was modified to „The service is unavailable.“ | |
4261 | Low | Update of EWA Readme document | Any „net“ appearance was removed from the EWA Readme document. |
ALM | Title | Description |
ALM Defect ID | Severity | Title | Description |
Medium | Problem with caching of reauthentication token | Fixed caching of reauthentication token in http session. |
ALM | Title | Description |
ALM Defect ID | Severity | Title | Description |
Medium | Fixed authentication for domain users | Authentication was fixed for users with a domain contained in the user name. | |
Medium | Updated Version Extractor | The tool to extract all versions of EWA components used to handle routing in ITR Retailfactory was updated to also extract the version of new components. | |
Medium | Caching of token validation | EWA session tokens are validated using the database. In order to reduce the frequency of accessing the database, this validation is now cached in the user's session. | |
Medium | Out of Memory exceptions for 64 bit servers | Problems with OutOfMemoryErrors running EWA in the 64bit version have been fixed by increasing the PermGen space of the Java runtime of the server. | |
Medium | Incrementation of jar versions | The versions of old jar files have been incremented to make sure the files are updated on client side. | |
4252 | Medium | ServletException in user search | A ServletException occuring on the user search page has been fixed. |
4270 | High | SD Media in Retailfactory | A problem has been fixed to make sure SD Media data is accessible in ITR Retailfactory. |
Medium | Log statements in EWA developer log | Unnecessary log statements have been removed from EWA developer log. | |
Medium | Dataspooler: Updated configuration file | The configuration file for awat character replacement (awatCharset.xml) has been updated. |
ALM | Title | Description |
4234 | Serverzugriffsfehler - Session Token timeout | If the web session and session token expire, the client applications got an HTTP error 403 which was not handled correctly by the client. This has been changed so that in this case a new error code 462 is thrown and the client applications are closed. |
Extension of jar-manifest files | The manifest files of the EWA client jars have been extended to be compliant with new Java versions. |
ALM Defect ID | Severity | Title | Description |
Medium | Direct Access to XSF from client applications did not work with certain configurations | If xml-post is not configured to be the feedback mode, but xsf has been used from FeedbackTransfer.xml, the direct access did not work. | |
4234 | Medium | LDAP Authentication for users with different domains | LDAP Authentication has been fixed to work with users from different domains. |
Medium | Fix for SD Media token generation | The generation of the SD Media token has been fixed to work correctly with Akamai. | |
4231 | Medium | Dataspooler: ASRA_Information.xml - falsche Satzarten | For the ASRA spoolout file 326 Masterdata II the additional operations the ASRA_Information.xml file has not been generated correctly. This has been fixed. |
4233 | Medium | Dataspooler: 326-II - Mehr als 34 Zusatzarbeiten (mehr als 1 Zeile) werden nicht korrekt ausgegeben | For the ASRA spoolout file 326 Masterdata II the additional operations were not spooled out correctly. This has been corrected. |
Medium | Dataspooler: Not all (zip-)files were created successfully | In some rare cases the spooler did not generate all necessary zip-files. This has been fixed now. | |
Medium | Dataspooler: Wrong line length in spoolout files | In some rare cases the spooler generated some wrong lines in the spoolout files. This resulted in invalid data (not conform with specification). This has been fixed now. | |
4213 | Medium | Dataspooler: Spooler bricht ab bei SSLRegieTask | The error handling of the SSL data spooler was improved by repeating the spoolout task, if an error occurs. After executing the spoolout task 3 times and the error still occurs, the spoolout will be aborted with a corresponding error message. |
4232 | Low | Dataspooler: Dokumentation Buch/Spalte | The documentation has been updated. |
QC | Title | Description |
Secure Linkout - SD Media Anpassung | A new SD Media token is generated for certain (configured) SD media urls. | |
377 | Secure Linkout - Server ohne Internetzugriff | If SecureLinkout url is used, the validation time is directly retrieved at client side instead at EWA server, as the EWA server may not have internet access to the server, from which the vaildation time is retrieved. |
390 | Secure Linkout - Konfiguration von Test URLs | A way to test the secure linkout feature has been implemented. |
4201 | Feedbackmodul - CDATA Tags bei Übergabe an XSF entfernen | By opening XSF out of EPC, it is possible to request support or to report problems or feedback. For referencing purposes the EPC navigation path will be submitted to XSF via the EWA feedback module. This navigation path is encapsulated within a CDATA-tag.This tag was removed before handing the navigation path over to XSF. Otherwise the CDATA-tag would be still visible in XSF. |
387 | Zeichencodierung einheitlich auf UTF-8 umstellen | The character encoding for the XML feedback values passed over to XSF has been changed to UTF8. |
339 | Java 1.7.0_25 - Bereitstellung auf EWA Downloadseite und Kompilierung des Quelltext | The client Java version available on the EWA download page was updated to version 1.7.0_25 (x86). Any Java source code of EWA was compiled using the Java version 1.7.0_25 (x64). |
Source Code Kompilierung mit JDK 1.7.0_25 + Abwärtskompatibilität zu Java 1.6 | The java version used to run EWA (Server, Installer, Admin Tool, etc) has been increased to 1.7.0_25. | |
Anpassung Crypto VM | The CryptoVM used to run the EWA Server has been updated to version Java 1.7.0_25. | |
Umstellung der Prozessausführung in LicenseReporting | The process-execution within EWA Core has been changed to comply with updated Java runtimes. | |
Tomcat-Update fuer EWA | The Apache Tomcat application server that is used for EWA has been updated to the version 7.0.42. | |
4112 | Beschränkung der max. Gültigkeit einer JNLP-Datei zum Starten der EWA Client Apps | The reauthentication mechanism has been changed. Now an EWA session token is only valid for a specific timeframe. The validation timeframes are configurable in um_cfg.xml. |
Erweiterung des Interfaces von HP_Services.GenericStorageServiceV2 | The interface GenericStorageServiceV2 of hp_services.jar has been extended by a new method: getMarketNoteNamespaceByMarket(String marketId) | |
Client Tools: Datacard API | An additional option to log communication data between client and server into xml-files has been added to client tools. It is used by client checker. | |
4198 | Änderung der GSSN-Länder-Codes | Some new country codes have been added to EWA. |
376 | HP Services - Java API zum Auslesen der EWA Server-Lizenz | HP_Services has been extended to provide functionality to get the server license information. This can now be used by web applications of WIS and EPC. |
Umgang mit zentral bereitgestellten Apache CXF 2.7.0 Libraries | Added a new library ar_services.jar to server\lib directory to provide functionality so that the CXF-libraries are not needed in server\lib anymore. | |
277 | Optimierung der "EWA Message" Funktion | The EWA system news functionality has been optimized. Now a message is created only once and referenced to the specified audience. Previously a message was created for every single user. |
428 | Dataspooler - Anpassung der Baumuster-Validierungen | Validation of model codes during spoolout has been changed to support alphanumeric model codes. |
382 | Dataspooler - Erhöhung der Grenze für Zusatzarbeiten auf 100 | Dataspooler has been extended to feature a new file for additional operations (ASRA masterdata 326 II). |
427 | Dataspooler - Anpassung des Loggings für Charactermapping | The dataspooler now adds a business key to identify the data to the log messages for character mapping errors. |
429 | Anpassung der Versionierung | Versioning of Dataspooler has been changed. It is now following the scheme: [SPOOLER_MAJOR].[SPOOLER_VERSION].[EWA_MINOR].[EWA_BUILD_NR] |
ALM Defect ID | Severity | Title | Description |
4215 | Medium | Spoolout Sprache ist nicht für alle Sprachen hinterlegt | Some more languages have been added to the server properties in order to display the language of the downloadable spoolout files correctly. |
4211 | Medium | Schönheitsfehler in Registry Hive | Registry keys for the WIS, EPC and Core database have been renamed to be written correctly. |
Medium | Problem mit EWANAPI-Zugriff auf Download Area | A problem when opening the EWA download area directly with EWANAPI has been fixed. | |
279 | Medium | Dataspooler - Anpassung der Logdatei des Batch-Spoolouts | The logfile of each package of a batch spoolout is now available for download using the EWA download page. |
373 | Medium | Dataspooler - Anpassung der Sortierung der erstellten Spooldateien | The sorting of the packages of a batch spoolout has been fixed to be alphabetically sorted. |
ALM | Title | Description |
333 | Starting the EWA Admin Tool with non-administrative privileges | An appropriate message will be shown when starting the EWA Admin Tool with insufficient permission. |
ALM | Severity | Title | Description |
4350 | Critical | EPC installation failed with newly added ROM-file | A sort algorithm was implemented in order to ensure that the ROM-files are alphabetically ordered within the database attach command. |
ALM | Title | Description |
ALM | Severity | Title | Description |
ALM | Title | Description |
ALM | Severity | Title | Description |
Medium | WIS DB Update: Fehler beim Stoppen des EWA Servers führt zum Abbruch von DB Installation/Update | A routine to kill the EWA Server process was fixed, in order to avoid problems stopping the EWA Server that result in aborting database and software updates. |
ALM | Title | Description |
ALM Requirement ID | Severity | Title | Description |
497 | Medium | Erweiterung der Admin Tool Log4j Konfiguration | The Admin Tool log4j-configuration was extended to avoid that warnings are displayed executing the Admin Tool in task mode. |
ALM | Title | Description |
ALM Defect ID | Severity | Title | Description |
4242 | Medium | NullPointerException beim Wechseln der Spracheinstellungen im Admin Tool | A NullPointerException in the log file has been fixed. This exception appeared only in the logfile when the language of Admin Tool was changed. It had now effect on the stability of the application. |
ALM | Title | Description |
4034 | Admin Tool entfernt nicht alle veralteten ROM-Dateien | The registry contains the names of the current active and backup directories of the EPC and WIS databases. The implementation of the methods reads the names from the registry and remove all the directories, that do not belong to the currently installed databases anymore. |
424 | Speicherung des Backups von wis_cfg.xml im Verzeichnis Ordner config\backup | The backup of the wis_cfg.xml will be temporarily stored in the directory [EWA_install_dir]\config\backup. |
406 383 | WIS Installation: Die Meldung bzw. Anfrage, neue CDs / DVDs einzulegen muss sinnvoll ergänzt werden | The text that is displayed when second WIS DVD is requested has changed in order to increase the usability and keep it simple. |
422 | Austausch der Java API für den Zugriff auf die Registry | The API that is used to access the windows registry within the Admin Tool has been exchanged in order to avoid JNI-problems. |
ALM Defect ID | Severity | Title | Description |
423 | Medium | Startprüfung - Löschen der Test Datenbank im Fehlerfall | When checking for correct user rights, the admin tool creates a test database. In order to successfully create this, it will delete a previous test database first (if it exists). |
421 | Low | Darstellung von kyrillischen Zeichen | The Fonts of AdminTool have been changed in order to fix displaying of special characters. |
QC | Title | Description |
Req411 | WMC Filtering | The WMC combo-box may be reduced to relevant WMCs to improve the document search for some baumuster |
Req450 | ASRA operation item text | For operation item texts the text component order has been improved (first assembly-status, then vehicle-config) |
Req452 | WIS Service Media | Service Media Information may now be started by an action button and document links to service media has been improved |
Req455 | Grouptree navigation | The navigation in construction group trees has been improved |
Req459 | Optimized Diagram Links | Links to old DXF diagrams will now be substituded with SVG links |
Req482 | Filter unwanted documents | Documents with special meanings (e.g. Annahmeblatt) will be supressed in document search result |
Req491 | Improved Aggregate evaluation | Verteilergetriebe will now be added to the WIS Aggregate combobox |
QC | Severity | Title | Description |
4265 | High | Corrected daily document search | For case online documents the aggregate type will no longer be confused (e.g. baumuster with engine) |
4263 | High | Unneccessary Alterts in Logfile | Some unneccessary alerts for missing property strings has been removed |
3001 | High | Document search generate transbase exception | Quotes in document numbers will no longer cause a database exception |
- | High | Operation number search generate transbase exception | Non-Numeric operation numbers will no longer cause a database exception |
QC | Prio | Title | Description |
DTS | Title | Description |
DTS | Severity | Title | Description |
QC4338 | 2 | WS RIMS are missing in the WS datacard response object | |
QC4333 | 2 | WS is not performing the Enhanced Code Filter | |
QC4331 | 2 | WS Markets call with input WHCMODEL inconsistant | |
QC4330 | 2 | Disappearing Manufacturer notes icon in parts record | |
QC4329 | 2 | WS Some images are missing | |
QC | 2 | Thumbnails Images get not refreshed when group contains only 1 subgroup | |
QC | 2 | Performance improofment needed for SA group mapping | |
QC | 2 | NPE when ' is in the search part number field |
DTS | Title | Description |
QCR | Accessory parts | |
QCR | Special Tools enhancements | |
QCR | Hide SA and BK without groups on Datacard | |
QCR | Webservices Integration |
DTS | Severity | Title | Description |
QC4328 | 2 | WS FIN filtering not working | |
QC4327 | 2 | WS FIN filtering not working | |
QC4326 | 2 | WS market call with input=model works only with WHC | |
QC4314 | 2 | Special Tools Type ALLE is not working correctly | |
QC4308 | 2 | H WA...part numbers missing H in front | |
QC4297 | 2 | WS Aggregate model web service for specific aggregate model returns empty response if input parameter is provided as a optional parameter | |
QC4290 | 2 | WS Some calls return empty footnote records | |
QC4289 | 2 | WS Image objects is empty when it should have an image | |
QC4287 | 2 | WS SA/Komponenten detail in partsrecord has no webservice | |
QC4286 | 2 | WS Group web service returns error code 500 if FIN and country code is provided as a optional parameter. | |
QC4285 | 2 | WS filtergrp parameter is not filtered in VCS | |
QC4284 | 2 | WS fnotes=Y cause in some cases error 500 | |
QC | 2 | WS Handling of 'input' optional parameter is inconsistent in chassis and aggregate market | |
QC | 2 | WS Response of stroke web service is not matching with EPC if aggident is provided as an optional parameter in request URL |
DTS | Severity | Title | Description |
QC4255 | 2 | In ST mode filter background does not change to yellow while typing | |
QC4296 | 2 | Note window opens multiple times in specific scenario |