- Set the starter switch to "LOCK", disconnect the 22 pin connector of ECU and the connector of neutral switch.
- Check the continuity between 12th terminal of the 22 pin connector of ECU (chassis harness side) and 2nd terminal of the switch connector (chassis harness side).
Standard: Continuity
Disconnection of the wire harness.
- Connect the 22 pin connector of ECU, leaving the connector of neutral switch disconnected, turn the starter switch to "ON".
- Measure the voltage between 2nd terminal of the switch connector (chassis harness side) and chassis ground.
Standard: More than 20V
Replace the wire harness, or abnormality of the power supply "M".
- Check the continuity between 1st and 2nd terminals of the connector of neutral switch (switch side).
Putting in gear: No continuity
Putting in neutral: Continuity
Within allowable range for excessive play of shifting lever, check that it can not be shifted.
Abnormality of the neutral switch.
Abnormality of the ECU.
- Confirm the DTC C1382 is inactive
- Start the engine and let it idling condition.
- Verify the DTC C1382 is inactive.
- DTC Clear
- Clear the DTC with Hino DX
- Confirm the same DTC is not reoccurred
- C1382 is reoccur: Return to first process
- Other DTC appear: Refer to concerned Trouble shooting