- Set the starter switch to "LOCK", disconnect the 24 pin connector of ABS actuator.
- Connecting (+) terminal of battery with 2nd terminal of the 24 pin connector (actuator side), (-) terminal of battery with 1st terminal, and check if motor operates or not.
Standard: Motor operates
- Be careful not to short.
- Be careful not to make a mistake to (+) against (-). @
Abnormality of the motor.
- Connecting ammeter, measure the current while motor operating under no load.
Standard: Less than 4A
Abnormality of the motor.
Abnormality of the ECU.
- Confirm the DTC C1251 is inactive
- Start the engine and let it idling condition.
- Verify the DTC C1251 is inactive.
- DTC Clear
- Clear the DTC with Hino DX
- Confirm the same DTC is not reoccurred
- C1251 is reoccur: Return to first process
- Other DTC appear: Refer to concerned Trouble shooting