- Firstly, perform the check of "DISCONNECTION OF SOLENOID RELAY (DTC No.C0278)".
- Set the starter switch to "LOCK", disconnect the 24 pin connector of ABS actuator.
- Measure the resistance between 6th and 16th terminals of the 24 pin connector (actuator side).
Standard: 26-40 Ω
Abnormality of the ABS actuator.
- Measure the resistance between 12th and 16th terminals of the 24 pin connector (actuator side).
Standard: 13-20 Ω
Abnormality of the ABS actuator.
- Disconnect the 31 pin connector of ECU.
- Measure the resistance between 20th terminal of the 31 pin connector of ECU (chassis harness side) and 6th terminal of the 24 pin connector of ABS actuator (chassis harness side).
Standard: Less than 5 Ω
Abnormality of the wire harness.
- Measure the resistance between 30th terminal of the 31 pin connector
of ECU (chassis harness side) and 12th terminal of the 24 pin connector of ABS actuator (chassis harness side).
Standard: Less than 5 Ω
Abnormality of the wire harness.
- Connect all the connector, turn the starter switch to "ON".
- Measure the voltage between 20th and 2nd terminals of the 31 pin connector of ECU. (Leaving the connector connected with ECU.)
Standard: 20-28V
Abnormality of the ECU power supply voltage.
- Measure the voltage between 30th and 2nd terminals of the 31 pin connector. (Leaving the connector connected with ECU.)
Standard: 20-28V
Abnormality of the ECU power supply voltage.
- Confirm the DTC C0246 is inactive
- Start the engine and let it idling condition.
- Verify the DTC C0246 is inactive.
- DTC Clear
- Clear the DTC with Hino DX
- Confirm the same DTC is not reoccurred
- C0246 is reoccur: Return to first process
- Other DTC appear: Refer to concerned Trouble shooting