- Perform the following checks:
- No damage at the sensor tip.
- No adhesion of foreign material of more than 1 mm3.
- No clearance between sensor and the face to be installed.
- No air gap expansion between sensor and sensor rotor.
Standard: No abnormality
Repair or replace the sensor installing part.
- Set the starter switch to "LOCK", disconnect the 24 pin connector of ECU.
- Measure the resistance between 15th and 16th terminals of the 24 pin connector (chassis harness side).
Standard: 0.8-2.0 kΩ
Go to the item "3".
- Connect the connector, check the continuity between 15th terminal of the 24 pin connector of ECU and 2nd terminal of the 31 pin connector of ECU. (Leaving the connector connected with ECU.)
Standard: Continuity
Abnormality of the ECU.
- Connect oscilloscope between 16th terminal of the 24 pin connector and 2nd terminal of the 31 pin connector, measure any waveform to be output when running at speed of 30 km/h {19 mile/h}. (Leaving the connector connected with ECU.)
Standard: Waveform output
Abnormality of the ECU.
- Disconnect the connector of front right wheel sensor.
- Measure the resistance between 16th terminal of the 24 pin connector of ECU (chassis harness side) and 2nd terminal of the sensor connector (chassis harness side).
Standard: Less than 5 Ω
Abnormality of the wire harness.
- Measure the resistance between 15th terminal of the 24 pin connector of ECU (chassis harness side) and 1st terminal of the sensor connector (chassis harness side).
Standard: Less than 5 Ω
Abnormality of the wire harness.
- Measure the resistance between 1st and 2nd terminals of the connector of rear right wheel sensor.
Standard: 0.8-2.0 kΩ
Abnormality of the sensor.
- Confirm the DTC C0210 is inactive
- Start the engine and let it idling condition.
- Verify the DTC C0210 is inactive.
- DTC Clear
- Clear the DTC with Hino DX
- Confirm the same DTC is not reoccurred
- C0210 is reoccur: Return to first process
- Other DTC appear: Refer to concerned Trouble shooting