- Perform the following checks:
- No damage at the sensor tip.
- No adhesion of foreign material of more than 1 mm3.
- No clearance between sensor and the face to be installed.
- No air gap expansion between sensor and sensor rotor.
Standard: No abnormality
Repair or replace the sensor installing part.
- Set the starter switch to "LOCK", disconnect the 31 pin connector of ECU.
- Measure the resistance between 27th and 28th terminals of the 31 pin connector (chassis harness side).
Standard: 0.8-2.0 kΩ
Go to the item "3".
- Connect the connector, check the continuity between 2nd and 28th terminals of the 31 pin connector of ECU. (Leaving the connector connected with ECU.)
Standard: Continuity
Abnormality of the ECU.
- Connect oscilloscope between 2nd and 27th terminals of the 31 pin connector, measure any waveform to be output when running at speed of 30 km/h {19 mile/h}. (Leaving the connector connected with ECU.)
Standard: Waveform output
Abnormality of the ECU.
- Disconnect the connector of front right wheel sensor.
- Measure the resistance between 27th terminal of the 31 pin connector of ECU (chassis harness side) and 1st terminal of the sensor connector (chassis harness side).
Standard: Less than 5 Ω
Abnormality of the wire harness.
- Measure the resistance between 28th terminal of the 31 pin connector of ECU (chassis harness side) and 2nd terminal of the sensor connector (chassis harness side).
Standard: Less than 5 Ω
Abnormality of the wire harness.
- Measure the resistance between 1st and 2nd terminals of the connector of front right wheel sensor (sensor side).
Standard: 0.8-2.0 kΩ
Abnormality of the sensor.
- Confirm the DTC C0205 is inactive
- Start the engine and let it idling condition.
- Verify the DTC C0205 is inactive.
- DTC Clear
- Clear the DTC with Hino DX
- Confirm the same DTC is not reoccurred
- C0205 is reoccur: Return to first process
- Other DTC appear: Refer to concerned Trouble shooting